Saturday, June 18, 2011

Woodstock nights.

I feel good. I'm just bored out of my mind....

Woodstock has changed quite a bit since I was a young derelict on the Village Green. I just took a stroll through town and staying home staring at my computer screen seems to be a much better option. It's a beautiful, breezy, t-shirt and cigarette kind of night, and not a soul was to be found anywhere. I was literally the only one in town, standing there with a cigarette in my mouth, and a thumb up my ass, with an occasional stinky, scraggly, hippy walking by just to bum me out even more.
Real truth is, i'm not really happy anywhere anymore. I have been spoiled with a tour bus and have been able to play in front of thousands of kids for the past few months and honestly, it's the only place I want to be right now. Not sitting around "editing my book" which really just means jerking off to weird German pee porn hoping my mother doesn't walk in the room, because it's the middle of the afternoon... I don't drink or do drugs anymore, and i'm not as spiritual as one who hasn't done any of that in a few years should be so... fuck you.
The boredom that rapes my soul in this town is almost enough to make a 40 year old man drop acid just to see what would happen. I hated that shit when I was a kid, and i'm sure it wouldn't be any different now, just a whole other level of paranoid suck.
Everyone has families and real jobs that require actually doing work. Two things that I want more than anything, and nothing to do with equally at the same time. Maybe I should get a fish first, see if I can keep that alive for a few months before I go having a kid. Sex has once again turned into masturbation with company, and I would rather sit here alone on my bed listening to my dead friend Sasha's Ipod, while I stick my hand down my karate pajama bottoms smelling my balls to gauge whether I need to take another shower or not, rather than have some half drunk daughter of someone I grew up with come over and annoy me for an hour. I'm done taking showers and still feeling dirty afterwards. I love girls, women, whatever... I just hate when they are here. The fantasy is so much more full-filling than the real thing most of the time. Fuck I need some serious therapy....


  1. Thanks, now i'm gonna have nightmares of german pee porn. i'm seriously disturbed to admit that my mother walking in the room would probably be the best part of that scenario. well hell that's what serious therapy will get you.

  2. The fantasy is totally better than the reality. Except that one time in Hollywood...
