Friday, June 24, 2011

Teaser from "Needle in a Whorestack"

Awakened by the pain of a plastic tube that had been inserted into the head of my dick and the florescent brightness of a buzzing tube hanging over my head. Piercing through my eyelids, making them vibrate like wings on a honey bee. I had no idea where I was or how I had gotten there, but a seemingly large black man in a white uniform stood over me like an information booth, waiting to let me know. His eyes were sad and caring, his voice deep like sexual chocolate. I watched the wrinkles on his big bald head move as he spoke. "We almost lost you little man," he said as I started to feel the cold chill of dope-sickness run up my spine. It was then that I realized I was on a gurney in an emergency room, and something had gone terribly wrong...
My hands and feet were so swollen I could barely move my fingers and toes, my ribs were cracking through my pale, dry skin like a fish breaking through water into the sky, my lips were sore from chewing on them, and my sight was blurry and painful. At 37 years old this is where my awesome decision making had taken me, and all I could think about was how I could get back for just one more shot. I politely asked the large black man if he could remove this long piss filled tube from my dick, so I could go back to my house and not be cold and sick anymore.

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