Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Eyes of a stranger.....

I stare at the back of my eyelids until the rainbow trails turn into shadowy steps that lead into the end of my skull. Disappearing into a Q-bert like universe. I open them fast, like I had been startled by someone sneaking up behind me, firmly placing my palms on the sink counter of the bathroom, while my chin rests into my chest. Without blinking I stare at myself in the mirror until my face begins to demonize itself. If I blink my face changes back to normal, but if I don't move a muscle, don't close my eyes, not once... I start to age. My ears start to form points at the ends as my nose slowly melts into the back of my cheeks. I start to hum, vibrating my vocal chords to make a slow stuttering sound that rattles my brain into a state of confusion and paranoia. I see shadows behind me, I can also feel them hovering above me. Lost souls wandering around the house only to be seen in my altered state. My spirit is now at purgatory's door, and my mind is in a feared dimension. I speak their language but I don't understand what they say, and I have no clue what they want. I just know they never leave my side, and they never stop talking to me.
Frightened that one last time I will never come back to reality I blink, and everything changes back to normal. I immediately snap out of paranoia, the demons have disappeared once again. I fill my cupped hands with cold water from the faucet, and gently spread it across my face, keeping my eyes open to wash out the evil. In a few seconds I won't be scared anymore, but I know that they are still hovering, I just can't hear or see them anymore. I open the bathroom door hoping nothing from this terrifying experience has escaped into my reality, if they do then I will surely understand what they are saying to me now... and I will be forced to listen.

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